Money, Freedom & Relationships

You can heal from financial trauma, build better relationships, and unlock your true potential for freedom


Yael helped me clarify my needs around my clientele, my lifestyle, and the underlying barriers I have. But then she surprised me and helped me build a workable action plan, right down to ad algorithms!

Eli Bell →
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Yael helped me clarify my needs around my clientele, my lifestyle, and the underlying barriers I have. But then she surprised me and helped me build a workable action plan, right down to ad algorithms! Eli Bell →
Hi, I’m Yael Finer 👋
Hi, I’m Yael Finer 👋

Maybe you started from a low place

Maybe you grew up poor or under the shadow of a dominant father. Maybe you fell into one toxic relationship after another. Maybe you needed to move half way around the world to find yourself.

But you found courage to heal

You faced your fears and embarked on a healing and transformative journey. After years of searching you found your tribe and your true calling. You help others and share your gift with the world.
You are a true healer.

And yet something is missing ($$)

Despite years of learning, practice and experience, you still struggle with money. And despite projecting an image of strength you still find yourself dependent on others. You're caught in cycles of self-doubt, insecurity, procrastination, and confusion.

Do you feel stuck?

Your client base isn't growing enough, you aren’t saving for retirement, you are anxious about your financial future, and you often think wether you should just get a stable job.
You feel like are all messed up, you are questioning how can you help other when you are still healing yourself, how can you create a sustainable income and break free from scarcity to the life you want - a life of freedom, joy and abundance.
Maybe now is the time?

I found Yael's support to be both uplifting and focused and we made a lot of progress in a short time. I am very much looking forward to my future sessions!

Chelsea →
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I found Yael's support to be both uplifting and focused and we made a lot of progress in a short time. I am very much looking forward to my future sessions! Chelsea →

Healing money trauma

When you were little, life was too much, your innate wisdom protected you with tightening up, by making up beliefs that will keep you safe, and by embracing what ever relationship you could not to be alone.
This wise protection mechanism came with a heavy cost of holding the trauma encapsulated in your system until today and letting the little kid running your practice or business. The cost of not living in alignment with who you are, with your true potential for greatness. You agree to do things you shouldn’t like agreeing to be paid too less.
Your trauma is waiting for the right time to be seen, released, healed, transformed and integrated.
Is it the right time?
Money trauma keeps you from breaking through a financial glass ceiling, from asking what you deserve, from projecting confidence and believing you can and worth it.
Money trauma keeps you stuck in toxic relationships that promise security but actually keep you small and unable.
Money trauma is the blindspot that robs you of your clarity, creativity and power.

Therapy and coaching

Money trauma is unique since it touches our deepest emotional core but also manifests in everyday life - in our lifestyle, in our business, in our bank account, in our relationships.
Healing it requires combining the soft touch of therapy and the clarity of coaching.

Heal trauma in your body, mind and soul

We’ll use powerful techniques including mindfulness, guided imagery, somatic therapy (deep listening to your body's wisdom), Theta healing (belief and energy work), healing the inner child and loving parenting (ACA), and breathing techniques (breathwork).
These tools are designed to heal your hidden blind spots and overgrown mental calluses, boost your confidence and connect you to your power.
somatic therapy
guided imagery
theta healing

Align your business with your aspirations

We'll use communication techniques like NVC, radical honesty and relational healing. We’ll use conflict resolution strategies, business planning techniques, business mapping and even dive into marketing.
These methods will provide clarity on your goals, mission, vision, strategy, and give you new ways to attract your perfect clients.
non-violent comm.
radical honesty
business planning
conflict resolution
relational healing
digital marketing
Yael and I tapped into some ancestral wounding that was blocking me. I cried. I laughed. And I left feeling energized and was able to start writing marketing as soon as we finished. Tonya →

Together you and I embark on a journey

We will uncover and heal the trauma that keeps you small and in scarcity mindset.
We will set clear goals, develop strategies, identify obstacles and blind spots, such as thoughts, beliefs, emotions or toxic relationships.
I will hold space for gentle exploration, allowing your wisdom to emerge and lead the way.
We will address the root cause of your inaction, procrastination, and fears of sharing your gifts with the world so you will confidently shine in the world and finally fulfill your true potential.

I’ll be your guide

My name is Yael Finer.
I’m a student of life.
I believe in individual freedom and that we can’t be fully free until we have achieved financial freedom.
I believe that it’s our birth right to be emotionally, mentally and financially free and that it will better world.
I believe that fulfilling our potential is highly connected with financial freedom.
And, it will be my honor to take you there.
You can read more about me here.

Become empowered, embodied, fully aligned

Find clarity
  • Gain clarity, energy and motivation to take transformative action
  • Prioritize between work, family, clients, self-care, adventure
Transform your mindset
  • Transition from a poverty mindset to a wealth-generating mindset
  • Resolve inner conflict between success and burnout
Gain confidence
  • Discover your true worth and live comfortably in your own skin
  • Transform your impostor syndrome into unwavering confidence
Heal relationships
  • Transform toxic relationships to create space for growth and action
  • Set clear boundaries with family, friends and partners


Free Clarity Session 30 minutes FREE
Coaching Session 60 minutes US $150
Money Trauma Healing Journey 6 sessions and ongoing support US $765 (15% discount)
Full Business Supervision 12 sessions and ongoing support US $1440 (20% discount)

Within just one session, she cultivated a safe space for me to explore my money traumas, and I left feeling empowered and confident.

Cameron →
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Within just one session, she cultivated a safe space for me to explore my money traumas, and I left feeling empowered and confident. Cameron →