About Yael Finer

Hi! 👋
So nice to have you here!
My name is Yael Finer.
I'm a mom to Tom and Yara, a TCM practitioner, an emotional therapist, a communication coach, and a money counselor.
I’m also an Israeli, a Jew, and recently a Canadian. I speak Hebrew, English and some Russian and Portuguese.
But beyond all those identities, I worked hard to get rid of, I'm a woman who decided she would not wait anymore and will create the life and business that she wanted.
I decided to stop waiting and telling myself stories that I’d do it only after that my English gets better, after my kids are old enough, when I’m ready, or more confident, or an expert… Or after the climate won't be a crisis anymore, or after everyone will agree with me so there’s no conflicts and love me so there are no risks…
The change began once I stopped waiting, stopped seeking approval, listened to my inner voice, connected with my true self, and took responsibility for my life and my emotional, mental and financial well being.
Not just responsibility.
Full ownership.
Everything changed when I agreed to want what I deserve, to take risks, to get into difficult conversations, and ask what I need.
Since then, my life has transformed beyond recognition.
I continue this journey every day, discovering the immense joy and fulfillment that come with the decision to live life on our terms and achieve emotional, mental and financial freedom.
My financial freedom was the key to catalyzing this chain of events.
I took responsibility over my finances and felt an adult for the first time. An adult that do everything and achieve anything.
I became the master of my life.
I became a leader in my community.
I lost weight and became fit again.
My mission is to show you that you too can heal from money trauma, achieve financial freedom, reach your goals and fulfill your true potential!
I see it as an essential mission in building a better world for ourselves and for our children.
Let’s get in touch!
Email me at yael@moneytrauma.ca
Call or text me at 250.551.3122
Find me on Facebook at facebook.com/yaelfiner